
خوشحال کسان خوشحال پاکستان


Product NameActive IngrdientScope Dose/ AcreApplication MethodTime of Application
MaxGrowHumic AcidSoil Conditioner8 kgBroadcastAt Soil Preparation
Mighty ZincZinc sulphate 10% LCrop Suppliment3-6 LtrFertigationAt Vegetative Stage
NorusN:P:K 20:20:20Crop Suppliment500 gm Foliar SparayAt Tuber Initiation stage
Soluderlo potash 51% & Sulpher 18%Crop Suppliment10-12 kgFertigation At Tuber Bulking Stage
VellaminAminoacid 10%Crop Suppliment500 mlFertigationAt Vegetative Stage
Boon Maggie maxAmino acids 10%Crop Suppliment30 mlFoliar Sparay At Tuber Bulking Stage


Group Product NameActive IngrdientScope Dose/ AcreApplication MethodTime of Application
WeedicideMetribuzinMetribuzinpotato weeds250 gmFoliar SparayAfter 8-10 days of sowing


Product NameActive IngrdientScopeDose/ AcreApplication MethodTime of Application
DragonPyremethanil+Chlorthalonil Potato early & late blight500 gmFoliar SparayAs preventive before disease appear
OxyRichCymaoxanil+Copper oxychloridepotato early & late blight600 gmFoliar SparayAs preventive before disease appear
EqualAzoxystrobin + Flutriafolpotato early & late blight200 mlFoliar SparayAs preventive before disease appear
MeishileAzoxystrobin + DifencanazolePotato Late blight150 gmFoliar SparayAs preventive before disease appear

Potato – Program Brochure